Privacy Policy covers how to deal with Future Power (HK) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). Company collect or receive personal information, including the customer browsing Future power (HK) Limited / Xero website (hereinafter referred to as "this Site") and the use of Company services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") information. By accessing this web site or use the service at the same time, you are agreeing to and accept the terms of this privacy policy.
Personal Data
In order to enhance customer knowledge, or direct marketing activities, or invite you to participate in the competition, Company need to ask you to provide personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Company may use such information to respond to your requests, or by mail, e-mail or phone to contact you to inform you that there are new products or new services launched or provide promotional offers. If you order a product to this website require a service or submit content, Company may need to contact you to obtain the required additional information to address or complete your order and / or to meet your requirements.
In addition to provide your Personal data, the present site may use a given technology in order to collect certain technical information such as your internet protocol address, your computer operating system, your browser type, traffic distribution, as well as referred to in any website addresses. Company browse through the user information about visitors to this web site model, to achieve the purpose of improving the operation site.
Company retained as direct sales in any way to use of products and services use and disclosure of personal information rights. In this connection, service needs, your personal data may be transferred to other Company relevant regional offices.
You need to understand that the provision (whether provided in person, by telephone or the Internet) personal data there is always risks associated with, and any technical system can not guarantee the security of, or be able to absolutely resist "tampering" or "computer hacker" invasion However, Company efforts have been made to take appropriate measures to prevent and minimize unauthorized third party access, improper use of your personal information and your personal information to avoid inaccuracies situation. On the accuracy of the information collected, Company will take the initiative or at your request to add, correct or delete the operation of this site reservation any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data.
Visitor identification
Company may be frequently or occasionally to some information into your computer, so that Company able to identify you. Such information is generally known as "cookies" ("cookies"). Cookies are files that can be shown when visitors use the site, the information obtained can help Company continue to improve the services provided on this website. Company will only use the cookie file browse your hard drive and from the cookie files from this site to place information. The use of cookies is standard practice within the lines, many websites are using. Cookie files stored on your computer, not on this site. If you do not wish to receive cookies, or cookies you want to be notified when the file is set, you can set your browser to do so (such as your browser has this feature already).
Without a parent or legal guardian's consent, under 18 years of age are not allowed to submit any information, and, without first obtaining. Company agreed that persons under 18 years of age shall not be made on this site for shopping or other commercial activities but permitted by applicable law, except.
Company may at any time (after notice or without notice) to change this privacy policy, change, modify or revoke access rights to this website or its website content.
Company will strive to maintain customer's personal information and keep it secret, but as a result of the Company control outside the scope of personal information leaks. Company does not bear any responsibility, you should not and therefore any means to Company recover any compensation.
Company is committed to ensuring that all personal data are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO).
This Privacy Policy has been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.